Amble Gård (Amble Farm) is located in Kaupanger, in the innermost part of the Sognefjord. We have organic fruit production and organic animal food production, as well as tourism, forestry and hunting. We run 3,5 hectares of organic apple production divided into the varieties Aroma, Discovery and Eden. The apple orchard was renewed in the years 2017-2022 and now only consists of dense planting.
We harvest apples for eating that we deliver to Sogn Frukt og Grønt, and we press our own apples into juice. We have our own juice press that was built new in 2022. Here we press and pasteurize juice and make cider.
Monday-Saturday: 10:00-20:00
Contact information:
Address: Øvre Amla 16
6854 Kaupanger
Contact person: Mette Marie Heiberg
Telephone: +47 40510589